
Spiral movie streaming
Spiral movie streaming


The pacing was pretty good for the most part (until the end) nothing felt like it dragged too much, and nothing felt too fast until the 3rd half. That doesn't mean that it holds back though and definitely earns an R rating.


As for the gore, it's a great balance, considering this movie focuses less on traps and more of a character building piece. "motherfucking" Jackson was also great in the movie for the limited screentime he has. He had some genuinely great moments of seriousness and great moments of humor. I actually bought into Chris Rock's role as this chief recruiting Max Minghella as the new rookie cop in the city William Schneck. What seems to be an eerie connection to his father and knowing some of the cops' dark pasts, they figure out that this killer is targeting dirty cops and seems to have an eerily similar connection to the Jigsaw killer when those puzzle pieces seem to line up with the signature spirals showing up around the city and leads everyone to this conclusion: a Jigsaw copycat is after the department. Plot: After the opening scene that involves the death of a detective from the Metropolitan Police Force, Detective Ezekiel Banks is on a manhunt when spirals seem to pop up all over the city. Spiral: From the Book of Saw, or Spiral: Saw, or simply Spiral is an entertaining thrill ride that while not as good as the previous Saw films holds up well for what you could say is a second soft reboot of the franchise after Jigsaw back in 2017. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails. A character snorts cocaine in a brief shot, characters pay a visit to a meth dealer, meth is discussed, and someone smokes a cigarette.

spiral movie streaming

There's some sex-related dialogue (largely about marriage and infidelity).

spiral movie streaming


Language is likewise extremely strong, with constant uses of "f-k," plus "motherf-r," "s-t," the "N" word, and more. There are also guns and shooting, dead animals, and jump scares. A woman is the victim of one torturous machine. Violence and gore are extremely strong, with torture scenes, body parts ripped off, faces burned, blood drained, an electrocution, flesh skinned and sliced up with broken glass, a body decimated by a moving train, and more.

spiral movie streaming

It's a spin-off rather than a sequel it focuses on a new character, Detective Zeke Banks ( Chris Rock), as he tries to catch a possible Jigsaw copycat killer. Parents need to know that Spiral (formerly titled Spiral: From the Book of Saw) is the ninth movie in the Saw horror franchise.

Spiral movie streaming